Very first film ‘Banam’ has proved that aspiring hero Nara Rohith has all those elements in him. As time passed, he did a variety of films, often offbeat stories, but surprising is that his debut film’s hangover isn’t gone. With him getting preachy all the time, it makes a boring treat.
From today released ‘Asura’ to his past two flicks ‘Rowdy Fellow’ and ‘Prathinidhi’, whenever you find Rohit on screen, no doubt it’s like talking to a walking Bhagavadgita. Even for a simple ‘hai’ ‘hello’ kind of scenes, his writers are coming up with preachy dialogues that are too philosophical. In between this preachy stuff, he got punch dialogues written for him which are like listening to santa-banta jokes while trying to read scriptures.
In Asura too, in every single scene Rohit tries speak poetically, philosophically, every dialogue laced with some irony, which doesn’t suit well for a thriller-genre flick. In Rowdy Fellow also almost all the dialogues sound similar while they made certain sense in Prathinidhi. One wonders why Rohith is getting such preachy.
Such moralising dialogues often suit commercial cinema, where heroes play larger than life characters. But when Rohith is trying to do unorthodox films with realistic content, these dialogues certainly spoil the show. Dialogues of these films should be simple, realistic and sharp. Time to tone them down Rohith.
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