For the first of its kind, a Telugu film has gone all the way to renowned Cannes Film Festival and unveiled its poster there. The film in question is none other than “The Golden Triangle” which has been hitting the headlines for sometime now. The film is being directed by child prodigy Master Kishan Srikanth who is now 19-year-old.
Kishan has wielded the megaphone at the age of 9 for “C/o Footpath” and bagged Guinness Book of World records as the youngest filmmaker. He was adjudged with the National Film Award for his work. Although he was born and brought up in Bengaluru, his ancestral roots are in Andhra Pradesh as his grandfather was a poet belonging to Anantapur.
Simultaneously made in Telugu, English and Hindi,the high-budgeted flick is pumping in over Rs 70 Crore. What’s more? They’re on the verge of signing a top Telugu star for this international film. Besides this, already top notch Hollywood technicians and cast have been zeroed in on for the prestigious project.
Eric Curtis who was director of photography for films like Terminator Salvation and Transporter 2, Choreographer Longinus Fernandes of Slumdog Millionaire and Eat Pray Love fame. Hollywood actors Jeremy Williams and Catherine Delaloye (Fast and Furious 6) are acting in the film.
Tipped to be an action drama, the movie is being produced by Satish Reddy, Rizwan Khan and Dinesh Chugh and is being made in made in both 2D and Imax 3D.
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