After Temper, Kajal Agarwal did not have any Telugu release. She did not even have any project in hand too. However the actress is signing films in Tamil and Hindi. Currently she is romancing Ranadeep Hooda in Kaula Lumpur, Malaysia for her upcoming film ‘Do Lafzon Ki Kahani’.
In Tamil her films ‘Maari’ and ‘Payum Puli’ are ready for release. It is said that Kajal herself is killing her career in Telugu. She is adamant on getting a pay cheque of 2 Crore for Telugu movies and is rejecting all the films less than that.
However Telugu producers are cautiously reject such fat remuneration for Kajal, as her prime is passed and she became a old face for the audience. Mean while Kajal is just getting around 60 Lakhs per film in Tamil and Hindi. But still she does not want to compromise on Telugu remuneration.
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