Recently, entire country was in splits when it heard about the news of broadcast of an adult movie at a bus stand in a remote town in Kerala. In a similar incident, the citizens if Mudanjiang city of China were in for a shock with the live broadcast of porn on a billboard for nearly 10 minutes at a prominent part of the city.
An employee who operates the advertising material to the area billboards unknowingly fed the billboard with porn, which he was watching while at work. The billboard was situated right opposite a hospital and next to a busy road, thereby attracting more onlookers who could not believe what they were watching and soon caused a huge traffice jam.
While the live broadcast did amuse several pedestrians, many motorists and car drivers kept on honking their horns to make the nearby police or concerned authorities. The incident gains more international prominence since the People’s Republic of China had ban viewing porn in its country when it came into democratic existence in 1949.
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