Tollywood’s Most Successful director, SS Rajamouli’s Magnum Opus film, Baahubali is creating a nothing sort of Sensation in Nizam area. The movie is expected to release in about 450 theaters on the first day which is never before in the history of Telugu Cinema. Dil Raju, the Nizam rights holder had challenged to put a never before 5 Crore share mark on the Day 1.
Out of which, about 1.25 Crore will come from benefit shows itself. To explain Baahubali fever in Nizam, all the 16 out of 16 theaters in Medak district will be screening the movie. Almost 90% of the theaters in Hyderabad will be screening the movie. Baahubali is releasing in four languages and the film is expected to release in 4000+ screens across the globe.
The makers are expecting to put up 15 Crore share Worldwide on the release day. If the Current Trends Hold, Baahubali will break Attarintiki Daredi Total AP + Nizam Total Day1 Record with AP itself. The figure put up in Nizam will be margin. The advance booking of the movie is expected to start from Wednesday.
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