The Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu and the leader of AIADMK party, J Jayalalithaa, has won the RK Nagar by-elections contest to the state legislature with a thumping majority. The most popular leader in Tamil politics, Jayalalithaa, won the contest with a massive margin of 1,51,252 votes against his close opponent and the Left candidate, C Mahendran. Amma’s victory is being celebrated across the state by thousands of her elated supporters.
The RK Nagar constituency seat was held by her party MLA P Vetrivel, who resigned to his legislature following Jayalalithaa’s acquittal from the disproportionate assets case. With this win, Jayalalithaa once again proved her unbeatable popularity among the masses, even after she was tainted with court cases and jail tenure. “Nobody believes our leader is guilty of corruption. Our Amma did not do a scam,” said one of Jayalalithaa’s ardent supporters.
Following her victory, Jayalalithaa was greeted by the state’s Governor Konijeti Rosaiah and fellow party leaders. Around a month ago, Jayalalithaa had sworn-in as the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu at a high profile ceremony, which was attended by several leading celebrities including Rajinikanth. As of now, the Karnataka government approached the Supreme Court challenging the Karnataka High Court’s ruling in Jayalalithaa’s acquittal.
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