Deputy CM and AP Home Minister Nimmakayala Chinnarajappa has reportedly condemned TDP MPs counter-reaction to actor-Jana Sena chief Pawan Kalyan. Apparently Chinnarajappa expressed his dissent over TDP MPs reaction with his fellow leaders and asked TDP MPs to “retract” their statements on Pawan Kalyan.
Suggesting to “go slow” on Pawan, Home minister apparently asked TDP leaders to take Pawan’s criticism “positively” and not to take it “negatively”. He asked TDP MPs to retract their statements. If TV reports are anything to go by, Chinnarajappa even warned of severe action on its own party leaders if the statements have not been “retracted”.
Meanwhile, TDP MPs are said to be in no mood to budge. It may be noted that Vijayawada MP Kesineni Nani hit out at Pawan asking him to not to mortgage Seemandhra self-respect at KCR’s feet and alleged that Pawan is trying to impress KCR to protect his assets.
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