Telangana CM KCR raised eyebrows by skipping the NITI Aayog meeting held by Prime Minister Modi along with chief ministers of various states. However, KCR along with chief Ministers of 9 states where the Congress was in power along with Mamata Banerjee, Naveen Patnaik and Jayalalitha did not attend the meeting held in New Delhi.
Incidentally, Chandra Babu also did not attend the meeting owing to the controversy following the stampede in Rajamundry. But he did send Yanamala and CS on his behalf. However, it is being said that KCR’s stayed away from the meeting as he was unhappy with BJP’s silence over the ‘note for vote’ case.
Also, Modi had not kept his past promises and this was one problem area between KCR and Modi. Other unresolved issues included division of High Court between the Telugu speaking states, phone tapping issue and Section 8 say TRS insiders.
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