The ongoing Godavari Maha Pushkaralu has become a focal point of several caste and religious politics. Yesterday, the Hindu right wing organisation, Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), has demanded a police case be filed on prominent social analyst Prof. Kancha Ilaiah for allegedly inciting the Hindu minorities to withdraw from attending the Godavari Maha Pushkaralu.
In a recent TV interview following the stampede tragedy, Kancha Ilaiah said that devotees who are taking a dip in the polluted river waters will get no kind of purity or holiness but that they will only acquire deadly diseases. Ilaiah also said that the AP and Telangana governments have spent nearly 1600 crores on Pushkaralu and that the money could have been spent on childrens’ education.
Angered by his comments, the VHP alleged that Ilaiah, who vouches for minority rights, is trying to bring a split between the minorities and Hindus and thereby diverting the minorities into Christianity. The VHP also said that Ilaiah’s comments are nothing but a mere tactic of Christian propaganda to convert dalits.
This is not the first ever case in the caste and religious dark spots as there have been numerous allegations about YSRCP President YS Jagan’s controversial holy dip at the Godavari Pushkaralu by wearing a cross around his neck.
Jagan was under fire for dishonoring Hindu values and traditions by appearing in Christian attire. However, staunch loyalists of Jagan countered his detractors saying that Jagan’s appearance is his personal choice and that it has no religious motives.
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