It’s seldom that director Ram Gopal Varma sticks on to one thing which he said a day earlier. He always throws ideas to the world without even thinking about what anyone would think about it. For him, Megastar Chiranjeevi’s 150th film is a laughing stock and eventually he’s becoming one by talking more about this project.
Latest idea thrown by RGV to mega camp is that Pawan Kalyan should direct the mighty 150th film under Ram Charan’s production. He said, “Mega-Baahubali is the only one that could beat Baahubali”. In the first place, Baahubali is a different film and beating that flick wouldn’t be the agenda of any star including Chiranjeevi. Next thing is that Pawan Kalyan’s direction sounds like a bad idea.
Already Pawan debuted with a colossal failure like Jhonny and his second directorial venture never took off. Also he is not getting the script for his Gabbar Singh 2 right, and that’s why the huge delay in the start of this film. How could Pawan now finalise a script for 150th film and direct it, all in a short time? Seems highly impossible, even if Chiru himself handed over the mantle to Pawan Kalyan. Ram Gopal Varma’s ideas may look logical, but they should be sensible too.
Meanwhile, film industry says that Ramu is indirectly giving a message about the exit of Puri Jagan from 150th film. Ever since the news of Puri’s exit from the flick is doing rounds, this director started hinting several names including that of Rajamouli as a best bet and then Pawan Kalyan as another option now.
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