Amitabh Bachchan, the legendary Bollywood star who reinvented the word, ‘Angry Young Man’, on the Indian screen, is a furious man these days. The Big B, who has been continuing the ritual of meeting his fans at his residence every Sunday for several decades now, had to face a series of irated remarks from an angry motorist who couldn’t find way in front of Big B’s residence with a traffic jam caused by the thousands of fans who thronged to see Amitabh.
Recently, the man, who was furious by the traffic snarls in front of Amitabh’s residence, vented out his frustration on Amitabh and his fans and even suggested the Big B to conduct his ‘meet with fans’ sessions on the Juhu beach shore or hire a ground. The man even dare to call Amitabh an old aged man and a third rate actor.
In a sharp return counter, Amitabh took to his personal blog and said that he ‘entirely’ agrees with the ‘an old aged man, and most certainly a third rate actor’ remarks, but said, ‘I am in no way going to leave my house to locations that you so generously suggest, to meet my well wishers…they are like family to me, and I shall meet my family at home not on the beach.’ Well, this is called settling scores in style.
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