Telangana government is reportedly facing a severe financial crunch and according to sources, situation might persist for the all the four financial years till 2019. The resource gap is expected to adversely impact the state’s grand plans such as State Water Grid, Mission Kakatiya, mega irrigation projects on Krishna and Godavari rivers.
The planned new power projects across the coal belt, 2BHK housing scheme for poor are also expected to take severe hit. The newly formed state has witnessed financial crisis in the very first year (2014-15), which has reportedly led to huge shortfall in the budgeted expenditure.
Sources say that state has erred when it comes to making its projections before the 14th Finance Commission, especially regarding the own tax revenues (OTR) as well as own non-tax revenue (ONTR) and also interest payments and pensions. While AP is expected to get more grants-in-aid of Rs 22,113 crore since Telangana has claimed to be a revenue surplus during all five years till 2019-20), its share of revenues will be coming down very much from Centre.
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