Holy pushkarams for River Godavari concluded couple of days back. Two telugu states Telangana and Andhra Pradesh have taken it as a prestige issue andorganised the pushkarams in a grand manner as they happened to be the first pushkarams after the bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh.
Now Telangana government is claiming that it performed pushkarams in a grand way. Everyone hails the KCR government which handled the pushkarams. However the Endowments Minister, Indrakaran Reddy’s pushkar calculations is leaving all shell shocked.
He claimed that Rs 600 crs were spent on pushkar arrangements which is economical compared to Andhra Pradesh’s Rs 1500crs. He claimed that in the 12 days of pushkarams more than 6.4crs devotees had holy dip.
Many are wondering how this could be possible since Telangana’s popularion is 3.5crs. If his stats are true then more than 3crs came from other states. But if Telangana population is 3.5crs how many of them belong to Muslims, Christians and other religions.
Another question is did all Hindus take holy dip. This shows the hollowness of his claim. If one assumes that devotees came from other states, more than 75% happen to be from other regions and this is near impossible.
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