Power Star Pawan Kalyan attracted fans and all people entering politics launching his Janasena promising to question and not to run after power. He did not contest elections but supported BJP-TDP combine. He said he will ensure that Andhra Prdesh will get special status. However once the coalition came to power, Pawan surprisingly went into silent mode.
He shocked without questioning either Chandrababu Naidu, CM of Andhra Pradesh or PM Modi on special status and also on farmer’s suicides. He remained silent on phone tapping and cash for votes scam.
Recently he broke his silence and started attacking AP MPs for not taking up AP special status issue in the parliament. But many are wondering why Pawan Kalyan is not questioning PM Narendra Modi and his ministers like Venkaiah Naidu who said that special status to AP is not possible and section 8 implementation is quite hard.
Actor Sivaji too attacked Pawan Kalyan for the same. He said why is Pawan Kalyan who is blaming and criticising AP MPs remaining silent on PM Modi. Wonder what Pawan got to say?
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