Super talented actor and comedian Ali is in a tricky spot from a while. As he speaks with little double entendre while talking with anchor Suma, as he called Samantha’s ‘waist’ is like Benz Circle, as he addresses heroines as ‘philanther phagdis’ there were huge remarks on him. Never the persons who are taking his comments have literally complained about Ali, but those are around him are going uproar about them.
Speaking about these things, Ali tried to clarify. “Suma is like my sister. We’ve a very cordial relationship off the screen. But while hosting a show on the stage, audiences and organisers are expecting something from us and we’re delivering it“, says Ali, calling a spade as a spade. Also he pointed out that unnecessarily media and others are creating unwanted hype, but the actuals are different from anyone would predict. What about that incident, where Ali was got blasted by Suma at the backstage of S/o Satyamurthy audio launch?
“They imagine and write whatever they like. That day Suma requested me backstage to handle the whole event because she wants to leave as her son’s birthday party has to be attended. As I don’t host shows for free, she made a request to me“, he said. But don’t think Ali as a commercial guy, he sends those cheques he receive for anchoring to his Trust. “I’m not an anchor, i’m an actor. So, that money is being spent on philanthropy” Ali concludes.
Anyway, what about those comments on Samantha, Mr Ali? “She herself stated that I’m her good friend. What else you want to hear“, he rebukes. No doubt his clarity is like a ‘full picture’ about the whole controversies surrounding him, and hope these comments stop the remarks.
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