Srimanthudu success had brought back the bad trend of Fake collections back to Tollywood. Off late, all the collections tracking had become transparent and genuine figures are coming out. Through such sources it is revealed that the movie had collected around 18-19 Crore share Worldwide on its release day.
However the makers of the film had conducted a press meet and released some fake collections of the movie. They said the movie had collected 30.14 Crore share across the globe. Interestingly, the movie did not even collect 30 Crore gross.
Here is the breakup of Srimanthudu Fake collections:
Nizam: 5.6 Cr
Ceeded: 2.90 Cr
Uttarandhra: 1.05 Cr
East: 1.71 Cr
West: 1.90 Cr
Krishna: 1.20 Cr
Guntur: 2.05 Cr
Nellore: 0.60 Cr
Karnataka: 2.02 Cr
Tamil Nadu: 0.56 Cr
North India: 0.92 Cr
USA: 8.55 Cr
Overseas: 1.08 Cr Total
Worldwide: 30.14 Cr
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