Actor Mahesh Babu is riding high with the stupendous success of Srimanthudu. Celebrating the film’s success, the makers have decided to organise a grand success function in AP’s capital district Guntur. Given that Mahesh has humongous fan base in Guntur and it also happens to be director Koratala Siva’s native place, makers said to have chosen Guntur as the ideal place. Incidentally, Mahesh’s brother-in-law and entrepreneur Galla Jaydev is the sitting MP of Guntur.
It’s learnt that arrangements are being made to do a massive public event in Guntur on Sunday, Aug 23rd. The whole cast, crew and unit of Srimanthudu will be attending the event. Of course, man of the moment, Mahesh Babu is going to be the cynosure of all eyes.
‘Mahesh is delighted with the super success of Srimanthudu. He personally wants to thank audiences for making his film such a huge hit,’ said a source in the know. It can also be noted that Mahesh turned emotional and apologised for the debacle of his previous film Aagadu during the audio launch event of Srimanthudu and promised that he would compensate it with this film. Now that Srimanthudu is declared as Box Office hit, Mahesh wants to thank his fans, audiences.
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