The Telangana ACB has mentioned Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Nara Chandrababu Naidu’s name at least 22 times in the chargesheet it submitted in the ACB special court in lieu of the cash for vote scandal. The ACB even tried to establish that all the accused in the case acted on Chandrababu’s directions.
The ACB prepared the chargesheet primarily based on the statements of the complainant, TRS nominated MLS Elvis Stephenson and other supporting evidences like video footage and the telephonic conversations. The ACB tried to prove that the prime accused Revanth Reddy and Bishop Sebastian acted at the behest of Chandrababu Naidu.
The ACB filed the chargesheet against the T-TDP leaders, MLA Revanth Reddy, Head of the TDP Christian cell Bishop Sebastian, Revanth Reddy’s aide Uday Simha and the mediator Jerusalem Mattaiah as A1, A2, A3 and A4 respectively in the cash for vote scandal in which the ACB caught Revanth Reddy while bribing Stephenson Rs. 50 lakhs to vote for a TDP’s candidate in the MLC polls.
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