Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Nara Chandrababu Naidu came down heavily on the YSRCP Chief and leader of opposition YS Jagan for the derogatory language used by Jagan and his MLAs in the temple of democracy, AP Assembly. Babu said that he is deeply hurt with the language used by the YSRCP MLAs targeting his partymen.
Babu further lashed out at Jagan by saying that he has never seen such horrible Assembly sessions in his whole political life. Ridiculing further, the CM said that the opposition leader spends at least one day a week in the courts to attend the hearings on his corruption cases and that he still has the audacity to question him about the cases which are falsely implied on him.
Earlier today, Jagan accused Babu of not keeping his election promises and failing to convince the centre in announcing the special status to the state only because he himself is stuck into a legal tangle with the Telangana government. Jagan further mocked the CM by saying that Chandrababu always maintains that he will fight for special status but he never reveals his present or future action plan in his fight for special status.
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