‘Kanche’ Is Carbon Copy Of Hollywood Flick?



Looking at the trailer and other aspects of ‘Kanche’ movie, the story of this flick could be understood easily. Two people fall in in love, and the hero goes to war, and they keep in touch with each other through letters. Same is the story of a Hollywood movie that was released in 2010, which is based on love and war novel that was published in 2006.

‘Dear John’ is a Hollywood film that deals with the love story of two people, while the hero falls flat for a girl during a vacation and later returns to army and starts continuing their love with letters. During his meeting with the girl, he fights with another friend of the her, and finally the girl dumps hero and marries that friend. Both the 2006 novel and the 2010 movie are of same name and content. And needless to say, even Krish and Varun Tej’s ‘Kanche’ sounds similar.

Except the fact that ‘Dear John’ is set in 2001 Iraq attack kind of backdrop, and Kanche set in World War II backdrop, rest sounds pretty similar. We have to see how far these carbon copy attacks on Kanche will hold good and bad. Coming October 2nd, people will know the truth.

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