“Yes, I’m Modi’s daughter”, said hottest model in town Avani Modi. She’s debuting into films with Madhur Bhandarkar’s September 18th release “Calendar Girls”. Along with other hottest bikini girls Akanksha Puri, Kyra Dutt, Ruhi Singh and Satarupa Pyne, hot Avani will be seen showcasing both her hot and emotional side in the film. And what’s this Modi angle is?
At ever media meet, Avani Modi is bounced with the same question first. “Are you related to Prime Minister Modi?”. Not just her surname, but she hails from Gujarat too. For that reason, the question looks sensible. Giving a reply, Avani says, “Not just me, the whole of India are Modi saab’s daughters. He’s a father figure for everyone. He’s a true leader and inspiration”.
Probably Avani is getting loads of publicity with this Modi angle like the way some other hot heroines like Kamna Jetmalani and Kiara Advani got famous for their surnames and the popularity of those surnames in political circuits.
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