Nani and Maruthi’s latest offering, Bhale Bhale Magadivoy had completed its two weeks run at the box office. The movie had amassed about 21.6 Crore share in this two weeks run which is very huge for a small budget film.
It is already one of the biggest hits of the year in terms of return on investments. Given that there are no significant releases in the third week too, the dream run is expected to continue. The movie is also having an exceptional run in USA.
The movie which is the lone small movie in the one million dollar club managed to recover its full budget with the first week share of the movie in USA. The movie is one of the rare films which brings profits to all those involved in its trade.
Here is the breakup of Bhale Bhale Magadivoy two weeks collections:
Nizam: 5.85 Crore
Ceeded: 1.53 Crore
Uttarandhra: 1.55 Crore
East: 0.91 Crore
West: 0.75 Crore
Krishna: 1 Crore
Guntur: 1.28 Crore
Nellore: 0.33 Crore
Karnataka: 2.23 Crore
USA: 5.47 Crore
Rest: 0.70 Crore
Total WW: 21.6 Crore
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