Sardaar Gabbar Singh resumed the films shoot this morning in Rama Naidu Studio, Nanakramguda. The shooting of the item song with Pawan Kalyan and Raai Lakshmi is going on there in the special set erected. After this they will go to Ramoji film city for one more schedule. Then there are two schedules in Gujarat and Ladakh.
The makers say the shooting will now go non-stop till completion as they plan Summer 2016 release for the film. Earlier they have planned the movie release for Sankranthi 2016 but now it looks impossible given the pace they are shooting the film. Power fame Bobby is wielding megaphone for this film. Kajal Agarwal is the heroine in this film.
This is the first time Pawan Kalyan and Kajal Agarwal are pairing up for a film. Devi Sri Prasad is the music composer. Pawan Kalyan’s close friend Sharath Marar is producing the film under his North Star Entertainment banner. Eros International had purchased all the rights of the film for sensational price.
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