It is known that Pawan Kalyan has joined the sets of Sardaar Gabbar Singh a couple of days ago and a song is being shot on the star and Lakshmi Rai during this schedule at a specially erected set in Hyderabad. As promised earlier, Lakshmi Rai posted a selfie of hers with Pawan Kalyan, which took twitter by storm in no time.
As promised earlier, Lakshmi Rai posted a selfie of hers with Pawan Kalyan, which took twitter by storm in no time.
Stunned by the response the actress posted two more pictures with Pawan Kalyan, which made the actor trend nation wide with in minutes even at the wee hours.
Lakshmi Rai also revealed that she is playing an important role in Sardaar Gabbar Singh and not just doing an item number. She preferred to call her special song with the actor an inspirational one rather than an item song.
Here are the tweets of Laxmi Rai On her twitter.
Like I promised u all ! here is the selfie with #pspk to all his fans n mine fans enjoy… Love u all.
Exclusive pic with #pspk wat a gem of a person I must say all the best from the sets of #SardaarGabbarSingh #songnscene
To al the fans tis is not an item song,it’s an inspirational song in the film hence told u wil luv n remember this role.
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