Finally, lead actress Kajal Agarwal has joined the Sardaar Gabbar Singh sets. Here is a picture of Sardaar beauties Kajal and Raai Laxmi chilling out on the sets. Sporting shades, Laxmi shines in white while that smile and charm of Kajal draped in black outfit can brighten up a dull day. Both Kajal and Laxmi are looking stunning and are ready to offer glamour feat for mega fans.
In fact, this is the first film the two lovely ladies are working with Power Star Pawan Kalyan. Although Kajal ruled south cinema as top heroines for years, she couldn’t get a chance to work with Pawan earlier. Now, it is life time offer for the starlet when career is in fading out stages. On the other hand, this is big opportunity for Laxmi too who is straggling for her mark in Tollywood.
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