While most of the attention of Akkineni fans might be on the launch of Akhil, yet his elder brother Naga Chaitanya too doing his best in hogging limelight. Chaitanya’s forthcoming film Sahasame Swasaga Sagipo is said to be Chaitu’s answer for his critics. The film is apparently shaping up well and Chaitu is leaving no stone unturned to prove his mettle once again.
Already the recently released teaser of the film raised several eye balls indicating that Chaitanya is all set to make a grand comeback with the film. Since it’s written and directed by acclaimed Gautham Menon and the duo’s previous film Ye Maya Chesave was considered classic in romance, expectations on their upcoming film are high.
Inside buzz is that Sahasame Swasaga Sagipo will be on the lines of both Ye Maya Chesave (YMC) and Yeto Vellipoindi Manasu and it’s going to be Naga Chaitanya’s answer to his critics.Like previous Gautham’s films, AR Rahman has rendered the tunes for the film which are touted to take on romantic ride. While the makers are busy wrapping up the film, and planning to launch it’s audio soon, we hear that the overseas rights of the film have been bagged for a fancy price.
Since Gautham has good hold on overseas market, the rights have been bought by a noted distributor. If all goes well, the youthful romance will hit the screens in November. Let’s see whether Chaitu and Gautham going to recreate the magic of YMC or not.
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