The promotional campaign for India’s first historic 3D film Rudramadevi has been creating a lot of positive buzz. After a whirlwind promotional trip to Chennai yesterday, Rudramadevi team is back in Hyderabad and met with Tollywood media. The meeting soon turned out to be a mutual appreciation club for Anushka and Allu Arjun.
Lauding Allu Arjun’s generous gesture of acting in Rudramadevi, Anushka said that Bunny is one actor who always wishes to see Tollywood grow big. Anushka then said that Bunny did films like Vedam and Rudramadevi only for that reason of being party of pathbreaking films in Tollywood.
Even the film’s director, Gunasekhar drenched Bunny in a rain of praises and said that Bunny is a star hero and he has no need to act in special roles. But, Bunny did the Gonagannareddy part for his love for cinema and Telugu history.
Bunny, in turn, praised Anushka got her courage to accept female oriented films. Bunny also expressed his confidence saying that Gunasekhar’s dream project will surely enthrall the audiences.
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