Delayed amidst high-drama with the income tax raids on the film’s hero Vijay and the producers, Puli missed out on a huge chunk of its premiere and early morning shows. Adding to the woes, critics and general audiences gave the film a huge thumbs down for its silly and jaded script. But, the first weekend collections show what a real Puli roar will be like.
Puli, at the end of its first weekend, grossed a humongous 68.4 crore worldwide, with a distributor share worth 35.15 crore. In overseas alone, Puli collected 14 crore, with a share of 7.80 crore. Another 2.75 crore in Karnataka and 2 crore in Kerala helped the matters to a great deal.
Coming to Telugu states, Puli reportedly grossed close to 6.8 crore, with a share of 4 crore. Despite such poor reviews and bad word of mouth, the worldwide weekend collections of Puli are the second highest of this year, after Shankar’s I.
The collections are also all-time second highest in Vijay’s career. While the long weekend did help Puli to a great extent, the party, unfortunately, seems to be over for the distributors, with steep fall in the collections.
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