By the end of the last weekend, Subrahmanyam for Sale had completed its 11 days run at the box office. It has collected 16.6 Crore Share in the 11 days Worldwide. The movie got good crowds in its second weekend thanks to the disastrous result of Shivam.
The movie had collected 3 Crore Share in its second weekend. And from yesterday there are drops all over indicating that its run is nearing an end. The movie may be termed as a decent hit now.
Here is the breakup of Subrahmanyam for Sale 11 days collections:
Nizam-5.01 Crore
Ceeded-2.78 Crore
Uttarandhra-1.52 Crore
Guntur-1.30 Crore
East-1.32 Crore
West-0.93 Crore
Krishna-0.91 Crore
Nellore- 0.58 Crore
11 days AP & Nizam SHARE – 14.35Cr
Total WW – 16.6 Crore
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