It doesn’t get any bizarre than this. Bollywood’s superstar Salman Khan has been robbed by four ‘female fans’ at a popular night club in Bandra, Mumbai last weekend. As per the reports, Salman was approached by four young girls, who introduced themselves as his ‘fans’. Amused by their enthusiasm, Salman engrossed himself in a frenzied talk with them for a while.
Minutes later, Salman realized that all his belongings, which he had kept on a nearby table, were missing. Salman immediately raised an alarm. But even before the security people entered the scene, the girls whisked away from the club with Salman’s wallet, pendant and the sunglasses.
The club security management suggested Salman to file a police complaint. However, the kindhearted Bajarangi Bhaijaan star refused to approach cops keeping the young girls reputation in mind, but instead beefed up his security and recruited extra security guards.
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