From being a shy teenager to making her grand debut in the Paris fashion industry, Navya Naveli Nanda, the granddaughter of Big B Amitabh Bachchan, has come a long way. Navya has been chosen along with 25 girls for the prestigious Debutantes Le Ball event in Paris for which she is currently grooming herself in Paris.
Debutantes Le Ball is a most illustrious annual fashion event held in Paris that brings together 25 girls in the 16 to 22 age group from more than 10 countries. Each chosen girl is also allotted a top couture designer who provide a dress, and Navya has been assigned none other than the popular international designer label Dior.
Navya is a student of the London’s prestigious Seven Oaks School, is the daughter of Shweya Nanda and also the great granddaughter of iconic actor Raj Kapoor. Unfortunately, Big B will not be attending his his granddaughter’s high-profile fashion event due to prior commitments.
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