Senior Producer MS Raju’s son, Sumanth Ashwin’s next ‘Coloumbus’ had completed its censor formalities on Monday. The movie was awarded U/A certificate by the Regional Censor Board in Hyderabad. The makers are planning the audio release event in this month itself and the movie is being planned for November 13th release.
The movie is a romantic entertainer directed by a new comer, R.Samala. Despite showing some promise, Sumanth Ashwin is yet to fire at the box office, he had pinned high hopes on this film to make a mark. Run Raja Run fame Seerat Kapoor is romancing Sumanth Ashwin in this film.
Chinnadana Nee Kosam fame Mishti will be seen in a special role. Jatin Roshan is composing the music while Bhaskar Samala is cranking the camera. A new producer is lolling out the money bags for this project.
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