It is an open secret that actor Rajasekhar and his wife Jeevitha are not on healthy terms with the Mega family. In the past, the clashes between both the families were quite evident and were made public during the initial stages of Chiru’s PRP. But looks like the animosity has cooled down a bit on either sides.
Recently, Rajasekhar and Jeevitha were invited for the Diwali celebrations in New Jersey, USA. The celebrations were organised by the Telugu Kala Samithi has in America. Rajasekhar participated in the event enthusiastically and even enthralled everyone as he danced to some of the hit numbers from Powerstar Pawan Kalyan’s films.
Interestingly, both Jeevitha and Rajasekhar made sarcastic comments on Pawan Kalyan, when the latter imitated Rajasekhar’s trademark dance step from the superhit ‘Rose Rose Roja Puvva’ song in his blockbuster film Gabbar Singh.
Rajasekhar’s daughters Sivani and Sivathmika, actors Madhavilatha and Sudha also took part in the Telugu Kala Samithi Diwali celebrations.
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