Nandamuri Balakrishna Fans are so excited with their hero’s upcoming film ‘Dictator.’ As this is going to be a prestigious 99th film for Balayya Babu before he begins to work on milestone 100th by early next year, Fans does not want to keep their energies down. So, they want to exhibit their ecstasy for ‘Dictator’ right from the times of audio launch. As per reports from Nandamuri Fans circles in Hyderabad, a huge rally involving 99 cars will be flown from Hyderabad to Amaravathi, where ‘Dictator’ audio is likely to be launched in the hands of AP CM Chandrababu Naidu on December 20.
Heavy arrangements are to be made at the function spot because Naidu also wants to focus on political advantages his TDP can enjoy with this kind of a film function. Dictator’ is directed by Sriwass with Anjali, Sonal Chauhan as heroines. Music composed by SS Thaman while Kona Venkat, Gopi Mohan are the major hands behind penning the story, script and dialogues provided by Sreedhar Seepana. High expectations are set on ‘Dictator’ and audio launch can be the right platform to kick-start the first leg of promotions. Eros International invested a very high budget to match with NBK’s star image.
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