In a major relief for Bollywood star Salman Khan and millions of his fans, the Bombay High Court has acquitted the actor when it said that Salman Khan cannot be convicted in the 2002 Bandra hit-and-run case. The prosecution has failed to establish its case against the appellant accused (Salman Khan) on all charges, the court said.
Adding further, the Justice Joshi said that the prosecution has also failed to bring evidences on record to prove beyond reasonable doubt that Salman was driving and under the influence of alcohol and also, whether the accident occurred due to the tyre bursting before the accident or after the incident.
The court has also made scathing remarks against the Bombay police for the kind of investigation it carried out against the Bollywood star. The police have made special arrangements for Salman to attend the court before the final verdict was announced.
Several months ago, a sessions court convicted Salman of all charges in the case and awarded him a 5-year jail term. The actor was later freed on bail and he moved the Bombay High Court.
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