Chennai: Popular actor Dhanush on Saturday said he endorses the ancient bull taming sport Jallikattu. “Happy maattu Pongal. Also, I never made any comments regarding Jallikattu. I support Jallikattu. The news that’s going on is a rumour. Thank you,” tweeted Dhanush, who is megastar Rajinikanth’s son-in-law.
Dhanush clarified that he is not associated with People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), an animal rights organisation which is against Jallikattu. “I’m not a brand ambassador of Peta. I was only awarded by them once for being a vegetarian,” he posted. The controversial sport is being opposed by animal rights activists.
On Wednesday, the Supreme Court declined to permit Jallikattu, in which a bull vaulter is expected to hang on to the bull’s hump for a stipulated distance or hold on to the hump for a minimum of three jumps made by the bull. Many young men die or get injured in the process.
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