King Nagarjuna’s Soggade Chinni Nayana had finished its first weekend run at the box office. The movie had collected 10.47 Crore share from AP and Nizam. The movie is either in to breakeven zone or in to Profits Zone in many areas. It will be profits every where by the end of first week.
The movie had got less theaters in the first weekend, or else the figures would have been even better. Box Office analysts say the movie is likely to be the biggest hit of Nagarjuna’s career. Currently Manam is in that spot. If everything goes well, it will be the first 40 Crore share film for the actor.
Here is the breakup of Soggade Chinni Nayana First Weekend Collections:
Nizam: 3.08 Crore
Ceeded: 2.2 Crore
Uttarandhra: 68 Lakhs
East: 1.45 Crore
West: 72 Lakhs
Krishna: 81 Lakhs
Guntur: 1.12 Crore
Nellore: 41 Lakhs
AP+Nizam: 10.47 Crore
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