For the first time in his career, Ram Charan will be performing dance on stage live. He will be doing the seven minutes live show today at the first edition of IIFA Utsavam in Hyderabad that was flagged off on Jan 24. He had rehearsed for four days for this. According to sources, he will be dancing for songs from his movies like Bangaru Kodipetta from “Magadheera”, Vaana Vana from “Rachcha”, Mega meter from “Bruce Lee”, etc.
Bollywood top choreographer Shiamak Dawar has composed the song. Entire Chiranjeevi family members will be watching his live show as he is doing it for the first time. On the other hand, Ram Charan told the media at the event that his next movie will be beginning from 17th of February in Hyderabad.
The movie is remake of “Thani Oruvan”, a Tamil hit. Surender Reddy is going to direct, while Tamil handsome actor Aravind Swamy is playing the villain’s role.
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