Government of India had announced the prestigious Padma Awards the other day. Tollywood’s most happening director, SS Rajamouli is conferred the Padma Sri award. However Rajamouli said he feels like he do not deserve the award. “I dont know what to say. It is quite a mixed feeling. Very frankly I don’t feel I deserve the honour.
This is not humility. I am quite aware of my achievements. But I haven’t created any artistic brilliance that deserves this honour,” Rajamouli posted in Twitter. However he added that he feel it a previlege to share the occasion with Legends like Rajinikanth and Ramoji Rao.
“Awarding Ramoji rao garu and Rajanikanth garu with Padma Vibhushan is so apt. Their work created a lasting impression that will reflect even on generations to come. It makes me even more humbled to share the occasion with such stalwarts. But cant deny that it also makes me so happy and proud to be with them,” Rajamouli said.
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