In a fresh and stunning twist to the alleged suicide case of Hyderabad Central University scholar Rohith Vemula, his father Mani Kumar has come out and made some sensational comments. Stating that he is unaware of why his wife and Rohith’s mother Radhika is claiming Rohith’s caste as “SC”, Mani Kumar went onto state that they all belong to Vaddera community.
Setting the record straight in a media interaction, Mani stated that he himself, his wife Radhika, two sons including Rohith and daughter all belong to Vaddera community(BC).
He also expressed shock over visiting of Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi to the university campus following the death of Rohith. Mani said that Rahul’s visit is suspicious and said it’s hinting that politicians taking advantage of his son’s death. ‘Expressing suspicion over the way Rohith’s ‘suicide’, his father Mani Kumar said it’s ‘possibly murder’ and ‘not suicide’.
“My son is not a coward who’d kill himself. Certainly it’s a murder,” said Rohith’s father Mani Kumar. Calling his son’s death a ‘mystery’, Mani Kumar also suspected that the ‘ Rohith’s suicide letter’. He alleged that the ‘Rohith’s original suicide letter’ would had been ‘hidden’.
Mani Kumar also made shocking revelations about his family. He said that he got divorced with wife Radhika and she had returned to him just one week after the divorce.
He said that his wife Radhika was staying with him till 15 days ago. Rohith’s father Mani Kumar has demanded a fair judicial probe into the death of Rohith Vemula.
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