Bollywood action star Akshay Kumar is a happy man these days. While his latest release Airlift is doing a killer business at the box-office across the world, his celebrations doubled with the Indian government honoring him with the coveted Padma Shri award.
Incidentally, Superstar Rajinikanth has been awarded with Padma Vibhushan. Akshay is playing the villain in Shankar-Rajini’s 2.0, the sequel to Robo. When a media house asked Akshay if he wished Rajini for winning the Padma Vibhushan, Akshay surprised saying, “I am happy. I don’t have Rajni sir’s phone number. I don’t have the guts to ask him his number.”
While this only shows Akshay’s admiration towards Rajini, the Khiladi star also states that Rajini is a man with golden heart. Akshay further said that he was completely in awe of Rajini during the photoshoot for 2.0 and that he was behaving like a child looking at candies at a candy shop.
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