Fans are going gaga over Allu Arjun’s super sensational mass look in Sarrainodu teaser. Be it physique, expressions or dialogue delivery, Allu Arjun has nailed it in Sarrainodu. Few seconds teaser has multiplied the hype and has set right expectations on the movie. This is Allu Arjun’s first ever movie in this genre, which was mastered by the director Boyapati Sreenu.
Allu Arjun is hoping to penetrate into the masses with Sarrainodu, a zone that was considered as his weak link to date. However, Allu Arjun is not going to keep on pressing until he gets full acceptance from the masses. He is planning to strike a perfect balance between mass and class films so that he can strengthen his fan base in all the sections.
Allu Aravind, the mastermind behind Chiranjeevi’s superstardom, is using every trick in the book to repeat history with his son. It is risky for other producers to make an out and out mass movie with Allu Arjun. That is the reason why Sarrainodu is being made on Geetha Arts so that there wouldn’t be any compromise on the making front. Sky is the limit for the stylish star if he clicks in his attempt to woo the masses with Sarrainodu.
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