It’s all official now. Actor Balakrishna’s younger daughter Tejaswini is all set to tie the knot with Mr Mathukumili Bharath, grandson of Dr MVVS Murthy, former TDP MP from Visakhapatnam and head honcho of GITAM University and son of MS Rama Rao. The wedding will take place on August 21 preceded by a formal engagement on August 11.
A source close to wedding reveals wedding plans, “The wedding is going to take place on August 21 at Hitex grounds. Around 30,000 guests are expected to the grand gala wedding ceremony. Besides who’s who of Tollywood and other film circles, political leaders across various parties are expected to grace the do. Noted art director, who designed wedding mandaps for actors Ram Charan and Jr NTR, has been roped in for this big fat wedding.”
Incidentally, his elder daughter Brahmini was also entered wedlock in the month of August six years ago where she tied the knot with Nara Lokesh, son of former chief minister and TDP supremo Nara Chandra Babu Naidu on August 26, 2007.
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