Young Tiger NTR’s Sankranthi release, Nannaku Prematho has completed its full run at the box office. The movie had amassed 52.52 Crore share Worldwide in its full run. The movie can be termed as an ‘Above Average’ venture. 54 Crore Share is the target for the film to be termed as a HIT. The movie is the career best earners for Tarak and Sukumar.
This is also the first 50 Crore Share film in Tarak’s career and it came at the right time. Nannaku Prematho is also the biggest hit among Sankranthi season earners. The movie particularly did extremely well in Overseas. Here is the breakup of Nannaku Prematho Final Total Collections:
Nizam | 10.80 Crore |
Ceeded | 6.75 Crore |
Uttarandhra | 3.85 Crore |
East | 3.12 Crore |
West | 2.50 Crore |
Krishna | 2.38 Crore |
Guntur | 3.30 Crore |
Nellore | 1.57 Crore |
Nizam+AP | 34.27 Crore |
Karnataka | 6 Crore |
ROI | 1.45 Crore |
USA | 8.94 Crore |
ROW | 1.86 Crore |
Total WW | 52.52 Crore |
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