Just hours back, we reported about the suicide of actor Sai Prashanth and now another such incident has took place in Hyderabad. Tollywood Singer Madhu Priya and her husband Srikanth were counselled by psychologists at Humayun Nagar police station.
At the same time, cops have registered two separate cases against Srikanth and Madhu Priya’s family members for a nasty feud against each other. Singer Madhu Priya registered a complaint at Humayun Nagar polic station and a case was registered under sections 323 (voluntarily causing hurt), 506 (criminal intimidation), 498-A (subjecting a married woman to cruelty) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and sections 3, 4 of the Dowry Prohibition Act.
It has to be noted that Singer Madhu Priya tied knot with lover Srikanth against her parents will. Now in her complaint she said that Srikanth is harassing her both physically and mentally for dowry.
A Police official said, “Srikanth along with fifteen other persons have came to Priya’s house and pelted stones. A complaint was registered by Priya’s father Mallesh and case were filed under sections 147 (rioting) and 148 (rioting with deadly weapons) of the IPC.”
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