During an election campaign in Maharashtra recently, the AIMIM leader Asaduddin Owaisi said that he will not chant ‘Bharat Mata Ki Jai’ even if the RSS chief Bhagwat puts a knife to his throat. Asaduddin went on to state that nowhere in the Indian Constitution it’s written that one should say it.
Asaduddin’s comments immediately drew severe flak from political leaders and common people. Leaders of the Right wing outfits such as Shiv Sena, BJP and of course RSS rebuked Asad and even asked him to quit India and move to Pakistan.
But during the Parliament sessions today, Asad surprised everyone when he concluded his speech with a ‘Jai Hind’ in the end. Asad countered the BJP government’s silence on the Pathankot Attacks and the violence in Jammu and Kashmir. Asad’s ‘Jai Hind’ was welcomed with a rousing applause from all the leaders in the house.
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