Powerstar Pawan Kalyan’s Sardaar Gabbar Singh audio launch event is scheduled for Sunday but the hungama began much earlier with the release of the title song teaser this morning. The 40 seconds odd teaser is a testimony of the massive energy levels of the actor and reveals that it is celebration to see that in the character of the Gabbar Singh.
The opening build up shots on the bike and horse are just enough for the fans to go gaga. There are couple of other shots – Powerstar dancing to the tunes of Brahmi and enjoying on a toy horse indicating that entertainment is the ultimate agenda of Sardaar. The only disappoint is that the song is no match to Gabbar Singh title song.
The teaser is released in the official channel of North Star Entertainments and the teaser is being flooded with ‘Likes’ and ‘SGSSongTeaser’ is trending in Twitter and Facebook since then. This teaser will take the hype and expectations on the film by multiple folds. Lets see where that goes by the time of the audio launch and the movie release.
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