Ex MP Sai Pratap joined Telugu Desam Party today. He is very close friend of Raja Sekhar Reddy when YSR is alive. Even after joining TDP he expressed his gratitude towards YS Raja Sekhar Reddy. Though he is very close to YSR, he didn’t get good response from YSRCP. This party didn’t approach him he said. It is very clear that he removed congress flag from his house as there is no future to congress party in AP.
From known sources it is known that YCP objected Sai Pratap’s entry. Instead of saying the things that neither party, nor the leader invited him, he said that YCP didn’t recognize him as a leader. From this it is clear that he is interested in YCP first.
He knocked TDP door himself and joined the party. Moreover, this is a good period for Kapu community after Train burn issue. So adding a Kapu leader favors TDP. This is good news for Babu.
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