Ruling TDP ministers in Andhra Pradesh went hammer and tongs on leader of the opposition, YSRCP president Jagan Mohan Reddy for attacking CM Chandra Babu Naidu saying that CM lacks credibility and has no moral right to continue in power.
It is known that Jagan has been attacking Chandra Babu on daily basis accusing him of making false promises and looting people of the state. HRD Minister Ganta Srinivas Rao said Jagan first of all has no moral authority as he is going around courts facing corruption charges.
He asked Jagan to undergo credibility test before attacking others. He also asked Jagan to findout how many of his MLAs trust him. He added Jagan is an irresponsible opposition leader who wasted time by disrupting house after Roja’s suspension.
Health Minister Kamineni Srinivas Rao said Jagan is scared of Lakshminarayana, CBI joint director who was transferred only recently from Hyderabad.
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