Firebrand veteran actor Mohan Babu has announced his comeback to active politics. In a special press conference that was held at his educational institution Sri Vidyanikethan yesterday, Mohan Babu said that values are no longer existent in politics these days and that he decided to return to politics after seeing people’s plight due to corrupt and betraying politicians.
Interestingly, Mohan Babu said that today’s politics have become a farce with many ‘jump jilanis’ (read leaders who are defecting to other parties) betraying their people. This statement is enough to decipher that Mohan Babu is leaning towards YSRCP.
Mohan Babu is closely related to YSR and thus Jagan and he also shares a good rapport with TDP president Chandrababu Naidu. Even though Mohan Babu said that he will announce the party which he will be joining very soon, inside buzz is that he may join YSRCP at the behest of his guru Dasari Narayana Rao who has been associating with Jagan ever since the Kapu movement.
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